Paleo 101 By SEO Admin on July 24, 2012

Looking to lose some weight? Have you heard of Paleo, but dont know the details? The Paleo diet is basically a hunter/gatherers diet. It is the way we were intended to eat, as our Paleolithic ancestors ate. Civilization has made us stray from our original diet, leading to health problems and obesity. Our body is designed to run on lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. However, the staples of todays diet-cereals, dairy products, refined sugars, fatty meats, and salted, processed food, clog our engines, make us fat, and cause disease and ill health. There are some strict rules to this diet, but if you follow them correctly, then your body should show weight loss progress.

The ground rules are:
1. All the lean meats, fish, and seafood you can eat.
2. All the fruits and non-starchy vegetables you can eat.
3. No cereals, grains, or beans.
4. No dairy products.
5. No processed foods.

The Basic Rules are:
Eat within 45 minutes of waking each morning.
Eat every 2 /1 to 3 hours throughout the day. Keep the fire burning, and do not allow yourself to get to hungry.
Eat slowly.
Each meal should consist of a lean protein, a fruit and a vegetable.
Avoid sugar, and high glycemic index fruits, such as bananas, tropical fruits, grapes, cherries.
Avoid carbohydrates after 7pm. If you are hungry, eat lean protein instead.
Avoid any soda, regular or diet, juices, and dried fruits.
Drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water a day. Try a slice of lemon or cucumber in your water.

These are the basics, but every body and individual has unique goals and challenges. At Murphy Plastic Surgery, your weight loss plan and diet will be carefully customized with your specific needs in mind. Call us today and schedule a consultation, or click here to lean more.

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Dr. James Murphy

Murphy Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa

Dr. James Murphy is a highly trained, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has been in practice 25 years. He serves patients throughout Reno and Lake Tahoe and is affiliated with several prestigious organizations, including: 

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons 
  • American College of Surgeons 
  • American Medical Association 
  • Reno Surgical Society

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